The Gardens are temporarily closed because of storm damage


Educational Excursions & More

School Excursions At The Botanic Gardens

The Gardens are an ideal venue for environmental excursions for schools, tertiary institutions and community education groups. Valuable resources include the Theme Gardens, Gundabooka Trail, outdoor classroom, botanical library, indoor display and bush walking trails.
Our charge for school visits is $5.00 per student.
two girls standing in front of a garden
Hunter Region Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre

Our Activities

We have a range of activities:
Guided Walks suitable for groups of all ages.
A number of guided walks and activities for school groups are available in the Gardens and walks can be arranged to meet specific needs.
Our popular guided walks are listed below where you can download Student Activity Sheets and Teacher’s Notes. These materials can be copied and used in your school in preparation for your visit and as follow up.
All school tours K-6 can be adapted to high school students as well.
Children’s Programs
Formal Programs:
Plants in Places – Plant Adaptation to the Environment – Years–K-6 Addresses NSW Science and Technology K-6 curriculum outcomes STI – 4WS and 10WL 
Plants Galore – Grouping Plants by Name and Shape – Years –K-6
The Koori Walk – A Study of Useful Wild Foods, Medicine and Useful Plants – Years – 4-6
Informal Programs:
Nature is Fun
Children’s Discovery Day
Programs for Everyone:
Bush Tucker Morning Teas – includes Tour
Native Plants Tour
Native Terrestrial Orchid Tour
Flannel Flower Tour
Christmas Bush Tour
Spring Wildflower Tour 
Night Walks
Wattle Walks
Bee (Native & Honey Bee) Talks
Orchid Workshops
Bromeliad Workshop
How to Upgrade your Home Garden – October
Activities for School Groups, including programs aimed at years 3 to 6 related to topics in subjects such as Human Society and its Environment, and Science and Technology, as well as programs for secondary students.
Children’s Discovery Day, our annual day of activities for children held on the first Tuesday of the July School Holidays.
If you’re arranging a school or college visit to the Gardens, you should first read our Protocols for School and College Visits, which set out the conditions applying to your visit, and complete and return the form School Excursions – Risk Assessment and Control Strategies prior to your visit.

Engaging Activities In Science & Geography For School Students

A number of guided walks and activities for school  groups are available in the Gardens and walks can be arranged to meet specific needs.
Our popular guided walks are listed below where you can download Student Activity Sheets and Teachers’ Notes. These materials can be copied and used in your school in preparation for your visit and as follow up.
Plants in Places - Plant Adaptation to the Environment - Years–K-6 Addresses NSW Science and Technology K-6 curriculum outcomes STI – 4WS and 10WL 
Plants Galore - Grouping Plants by Name and Shape - Years –K-6
The Koori Walk - A Study of Useful Wild Foods, Medicine and Useful Plants - Years – 4-6
If you are arranging a school or college visit to the Gardens, please read our Protocols for School and College Visits, which set out the conditions applying to your visit.

Children's Discovery Day Is Held On The First Tuesday Of July School Holidays

The aim is to provide an educational and entertaining day for children. The emphasis is on botanical and environmental learning activities that stimulate an interest in plants, the environment and the Gardens.
Activities have included plant propagation, craft activities, a biodiversity display, garden tours, a botanical Treasure Hunt, and an art and photography exhibition. The activities are organised by Gardens volunteers, with contributions from other organisations with an interest in environmental issues.
The Children’s Discovery Day has proved a very successful way of introducing children and their families to the resources and facilities available at the Gardens.

Protocols for School and College Visits

Our Mission Statement
The HRBG’s Mission Statement is:
To grow, study, conserve and promote plants, in particular, the plants of the Hunter Region. 
For schools and colleges our educational mission is:
Through observation, recording and interpretation – To explore the diversity and relationships of plants within the Hunter Region Botanic Gardens and the wider world.
The Hunter Region Botanic Gardens endeavors to provide an atmosphere that allows all visitors to enjoy a positive and relaxing experience.
There is a wide range of interest groups and visitors at the HRBG at any one time that seek to enjoy the ambiance and surroundings of the Gardens. School groups form a small proportion of the total number of visitors.
Our guides are volunteers trained to assist teachers and educational groups from schools and colleges. Most of the guides have an educational background – teachers, lecturers, and educational administrators – and are generally retired from the full-time workforce. Other guides have no educational background but are very enthusiastic volunteers who have a deep and committed interest to the HRBG. However, our guides are limited in number and often have other commitments. Consequently guide availability may not coincide with school or college requests.
It is for this reason, that educational institutions wishing to use the HRBG as an educational resource are strongly advised to clearly understand the visit Protocols.
It is also highly recommended that teachers or lecturers visit the HRBG prior to their group visit. 
The HRBG will endeavor to meet all visit requests to satisfy syllabus and teaching program requirements.
HRBG Responsibilities
  1. Should the conditions at the HRBG be considered unsafe then the management of the HRBG
  2. reserves the right to postpone the visit;
  3. Where possible and desired, trained guides will be available to lead the excursion and initiate activities;
  4. The HRBG will provide sufficient information for pre-visit preparation at the school or college;
  5. If a guide is unavailable, then teacher briefing will be available to staff prior to a visit to the HRBG.
Teacher Responsibilities
It is the teacher responsibility of the school or college prior and during visits to:
  1. Understand that the welfare of the visiting students remains the responsibility of the teacher and the school (Duty of Care). It is a condition of entry that the school complies with the provisions of the Working with Children Legislation;
  2. Familiarize each student with their expected behaviour so that other users of the HRBG are not compromised or affected (Code of Conduct);
  3. Supervise the behaviour of all students at all times during the visit;
  4. Provide copies of worksheets and related materials for each student;
  5. Have completed adequate pre-visit preparation for each student;
  6. For the teacher to actively participate with the learning experience;
  7. One teacher or Security Approved person to accompany 15 to 20 children per HRBG guide;
  8. On arrival at the HRBG, the school must provide with entry payment a list of all visiting students and the supervising teachers and Security Approved persons.

It is the prerogative of the HRBG guide not to proceed with the field study should any of the above not meet the guide’s satisfaction.

Student Responsibilities
  1. To follow all instructions by the HRBG guide or staff member relating to:
  2. Littering; disposal of rubbish; keeping to all walking paths; not to pick or break any plant; minimum amount of noise; to listen when either the guide or teacher is talking; common expected behaviour courtesies.
  3. To ensure all worksheets and related materials are secure in a clipboard or folder to avoid loss or littering.
Tips to make the visit an enjoyable experience for all:
  1. The ideal maximum sized group is 15 students; more, makes it difficult for the guide to guide and the students to hear, observe and record;
  2. Try to plan your arrival at least 15 minutes prior to the timed start so that visits to the toilet may be made, disposal of rubbish, application of insect screen (mosquitoes, particularly in the warmer months are prevalent), and storage of bags is completed;
  3. Please have cheques for entry fees presented on arrival unless prior arrangements have been made;
  4. Please ensure all worksheets are distributed to students prior to arrival. It is strongly recommended that secure folders for the worksheets be with each student;
  5. Please make sure both Teacher Responsibilities and Student Responsibilities are clearly understood;
  6. Please consult the HRBG management when planning your visits should seasonal fluctuations with mosquitoes or other seasonal conditions pose a risk to the health and safety of the students.
Visit Format
  1. It is recommended that visits be timed to commence at 10.00am;
  2. On arrival the guide will greet you and allow time for the group to complete the necessary “housekeeping”;
  3. It is recommended that the visit not exceed two hours “in the field”. Any additional time is mutually decided by the teacher / lecturer / guide.
Fees & Conditions
  1. A $5.50 fee applies for each student. Teachers and assisting adults are free;
  2. A 10% non-refundable deposit must accompany each booking: seasonal advice postponement excepted;
  3. A minimum four weeks initial booking is required under normal circumstances;
  4. Study tours commence at 10.00am or by appointment;
  5. Class groups generally should be limited to 15 students per group;
  6. Proper footwear must be worn (no sandals or thongs), adequate insect screen protection is highly recommended;
  7. Unless the school or college has made prior arrangements, visits must take place on either a Tuesday or a Thursday.
The Hunter Region Botanic Gardens reserves the right to terminate any school or college visit or refuse to accept a booking due to other mitigating circumstances. 

School Excursions

Looking for an exciting, school excursion? Hunter Region Botanic Gardens boasts loads of fun, interesting activities for your next outing. Simply read our Protocols tab, which set out the conditions applying to your visit, and complete and return the below School Excursions – Risk Assessment and Control Strategies form prior to your visit.