The Hunter Region Botanic Gardens was established on 11th November 1985 and is a Public Not for Profit Company Limited by guarantee.
The objectives for which the Company is established are:
To establish a botanic garden within the Hunter Region that would serve the people as a focus for the appreciation, study, research and enjoyment of horticulture, botany and related fields by the growing and display of plants, both native and introduced species, in landscaped and natural surroundings.
The Board of Directors of the Company consists of a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and 7 Directors.
All Directors work on a voluntary basis and also have operational roles at the Gardens.
The members of the Board hold office until the next ensuing Annual General Meeting, when they retire and are eligible for re-election.
Our Current Directors are:
Chairman – Ken Page
Deputy Chairman – Kevin Stokes
Company Secretary – Robert Beautement
Treasurer – Robert Beautement
Lynda McPherson
Alison Abbott
Lorraine Zions
Helen Howard
Annika St-Jean
Paul Neville
Neil Wilson
Our Senior Staff are:
Director, Business Services – Susie Satorie
Manager, Fundraising and Events – Jeannie Lawson
Manager, Café and Catering Services – Trudy Lilley
Volunteer Coordinator and Membership Secretary – Louise Ingram
Our Patron is:
Emeritus Professor Tim Roberts AM
Professor Roberts, a distinguished scientist and educator, was awarded Member of the Order of Australia in 2022
for his significant service to environmental and life sciences and to tertiary education.
Tim Roberts was Director of the Tom Farrell Institute for the Environment at the University of Newcastle from 2010 until 2018. He continues to be active in research in the laboratory and has published some 130 papers.